Daily Thoughts 07/31/2020
Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh, 1889 Daily Thoughts 07/31/2020 I checked the library Twitter and Facebook group this morning. On the way to work, I read some more of Until the End of Time. I am reading about storytelling how it relates to science. Brian Greene writes a little bit on the language of mathematics. I spent some time discussing grants. We are working on a climate change grant. I also spent some time working on curbside. Ry Moran on Archiving Truth and Reconciliation Materials and Respecting the Record https://www.libraryjournal.com/?detailStory=Ry-Moran-on-archiving-truth-and-reconciliation-materials-and-respecting-the-record Wake Up Libraries, Curbside Pickup Is Not the Answer: Reimagining Public Libraries Youth Services https://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/?detailStory=wake-up-libraries-curbside-pickup-is-not-the-answer-reimagining-public-libraries-youth-services Writer Milan Kundera Donating Archive to Czech Library https:...