Daily Thoughts 07/10/2020

Monet, Red Chrysanthemums, 1861
Daily Thoughts 07/10/2020
It is kind of strange going to Grand Central Terminal in the morning. It is mostly empty with very restaurants open the trains run on an hourly schedule which gives me a lot of time to wait or make phone calls. Most of the trains and buses are fairly empty with lots of space between seats. Everyone is wearing a face mask.
I worked a little more on social media. We are putting together a marketing plan and working with social media right now. A lot of it is planning on what we are going to do for the next year.
I posted about the census and a little bit about the library on social media this morning as well.
We are doing curbside pickup which entails people calling in and requesting items to be picked up on the 1st avenue side lobby for adult materials and on the 2nd avenue side entrance for children's materials.
I spent a little more time working on the census. George Latimer, the County Executive did a short Youtube video for Westchester county. We also put out some flyers on the tables for curbside pickup for the census.
The video game Fallout is going to be turned into a television series. I think it could easily be as popular as the Witcher if it is done right. https://variety.com/2020/tv/news/fallout-series-jonathan-nolan-lisa-joy-amazon-1234696997/
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