Daily Thoughts 07/22/2020

File:WalterCrane, Hind4.jpg
Desire In Her Palace, Walter Crane, 1875

Daily Thoughts 07/22/2020

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook group this morning.

I read some more of Leadership is Language.  I am reading about how to get people to improve things for the next time they do a project after they have finished doing a project.

I spent a little more time checking on the census flyers.  There is going to be a meeting on Thursday about the census with the City of Mount Vernon.  I watched a training video on how to use the census tablet for tabling.  It is already preset so people can easily fill out the census on the tablet.

I also read the latest copy of Bookpage.

I asked My Congress Person to Fund the Library Stabilization Act

Please do the same.  I try and contact my legislator when I see library legislation.  Advocacy is important.

Public Library Association Call To Action to Address Racism

A Love Letter to Libraries


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