Daily Thoughts 12/19/2020


The Upper Room of the Gibraltar Garrison Library. Coloured lithograph, 1846.  Thomas Colbin Dibdin

Daily Thoughts 12/19/2020

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook Group this morning.

On the way to work, I read some more of Money The Story of a Made Up Thing.  I am reading about the creation of central banking in the United States.  There used to be a large variety of currencies in the 19th century.

I checked the new book displays.

I did some weeding in the mezzanine fiction area.

I read a copy of Booklist and a copy of the Times Literary Supplement.

Many Bookstores Still Need GoFundMe to Survive


St. Peter Offering Light Therapy Devices for Check Out


Library Extends Wireless Signal for Public Usehttps://www.delgazette.com/opinion/columns/87832/library-extends-wireless-signal-for-public-use



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