Daily Thoughts 02/14/2021


The great Latin poet, Virgil, holding a volume on which is written the Aenid. On either side stand the two muses: "Clio" (history) and "Melpomene" (tragedy). The mosaic, which dates from the 3rd Century A.D., was discovered in the Hadrumetum in Sousse, Tunisia and is now on display in the Bardo Museum, Tunisia.

Daily Thoughts 02/14/2021

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook Group this morning.

I read some more of Stay Woke.  I am reading about committing to meditation over a 40 day period initially.

I also read some more of The Macedonian Hazard.  I like the descriptions of building devices like cannon and telescopes and houses in the distant past.  I find the idea of time travelers trying to recreate modern technology very interesting.

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