Daily Thoughts 10/15/2020
Felix Valloton, Portrait of Gertrude Stein, 1907
Daily Thoughts 10/15/2020
I checked the library Twitter and Facebook Group this morning.
Today is the last day to do the census. Please fill out the census.
I read some more of The Writers' Library. This book successfully describes the relationship between reading quality literature and writing good stories. It shares the best books which writers have read from their experience as writers.
I started reading The History of Philosophy by A.C. Grayling which is an overview of philosophy.
I put in two orders of new books. I also spent some time looking through the new books section.
I checked for some missing items.
I also put away some art books.
I have to work a little more on planning for weeding the collection. I walked the stacks in the fiction room and the mezzanine today to check on the condition of the books in the fiction area.
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