Daily Thoughts 09/24/2020

 Irises, Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, Zundert 1853–1890 Auvers-sur-Oise), Oil on canvas

 Irises, Vincent Van Gogh, 1890

 Daily Thoughts 09/24/2020

I checked the library Twitter and Facebook Group this morning.

The Census is ending on September 30, 2020.

We got some giveaways for the census, bags, hand sanitizer, and masks with the census logo.

 I spent some time working on a grant today.

 I also checked the New York Times Bestseller list.  There was a patron request for a book.

‘We Want Our Patrons Back’ – Public Libraries Scrap Late Fines To Alleviate Inequities

I am checking on database usage.


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